ذُو قَرَظٍ [zû-karaz] ‘alâ-kavlin ذُو قُرَيْظٍ [zû-kurayz] زُبَيْرٌ ([zubeyr] vezninde) Yemen’de bir mevzi’ ismidir.
- List the word "zû-karaz" in all dictionaries
- Add other definitions for "zû-karaz"
- Translate the meaning of the word "zû-karaz" into other languages
os: ذو قرظ
- 10 search in dictionary
- Daily query for 2 words
- 2 Sensitive search result
- 2 search results in similars
- 2 finding in definitions
- 2 finding in text documents
- Daily translation of 500 characters
- Daily analysis for 2 words
- No features for the word
- No origin of the word
- No advanced filter
- Displaying ads
- 25 search in dictionary
- Daily query for 5 words
- 4 Sensitive search result
- 4 search results in similars
- 4 finding in definitions
- 4 finding in text documents
- Daily translation of 1000 characters
- Daily analysis for 3 words
- Most features for the word
- Has origin of the word
- Has advanced filter
- Not displaying ads
- 50 search in dictionary
- Daily query for 250 words
- Unlimited sensitive search result
- Unlimited search results in similars
- Unlimited finding in definitions
- Unlimited finding in text documents
- Daily translation of 10000 characters
- Daily analysis for 100 words
- Most features for the word
- Has origin of the word
- Has advanced filter
- Not displaying ads